Wednesday, November 9, 2011

LAB 10 - Spatial Statistics & Creating and Editing Features

Chapter 15 exercises:


Chapter 16 exercises:


Using Tools:

I used the map/data from exercise 9(a).  I went to ArcToolbox, then clicked Spatial Statistics Tools and chose Measuring Geographic distributions, then I finally chose to use the Mean Center. Unfortunately It doesn't work for me. I already saved the data to my personal drive, but still unsuccessful when I tried it again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

LAB 9 - Introduction to Spatial Analysis

Chapter 11 exercises:

Chapter 12 exercises:
 ex12b - I'm not sure how I get rid of the numbers.

Monday, October 31, 2011

LAB 8 - Joins and Relates




This is the data I have dowloaded from the is a raster data of this location in Canada.
Unfortunately, this is the only thing I could "successfully" project since I couldn't work on it at home because the program won't work in my laptop so I can only work on my labs during lab time on campus. currently doesn't provide the program for me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

LAB 6 - Cartography

Chapter 18

ex18c- I personalized this final map by changing the color of the country, the title font and the surrounding lines.  I matched the color of the font and the lines to the color of the typhoon.

Chapter 19





 This is the final map that I personalized.  I changed the color of India and the Countries in order to make the entire thing more attractive and colorful.  I also looked for a different picture of a tiger to insert.

Monday, September 26, 2011

LAB 5 - Symbolization and Classification

                This is the map I created (and personalized) by following the directions in exercise 5a.

This is exercise ex05b 

 This is exercise ex05c that I personalized.

 This is supposed to be exercise ex05d, but there was a problem with "afhorndem" and "afhornshd". When I added both of them,  there was no message prompt in order to create pyramids for afhorndem.

 This is exercise ex06a, I personalized it by changing the color.

This is exercise ex06b
 This is exercise ex06c
 This is exercise ex06d that I personalized.

Monday, September 19, 2011


PART 1: More with Projections
Streams(lines), and 

I opened ArcCatalog10 and went to the Y drive (Y:\) at the Catalog Tree which shows all the courses.  Under "courses_pkahn", I see the contents; Caves, Marbles and Streams.  I had to change all of their XY coordinate systems to North America Lambert Conformal Conic, then  save/copy all of those files to my own personal drive (U:\).  After successfully copying them to my drive, I open them all, or drag them all from my personal drive in ArcCatalog to ArcMap.

PART 2: Data formats

1. The types of vectors are dots/points, lines, shapes/polygon.
2. You can save these files on to your personal drive(s).  You may also export the map if you want to save the image of it by turning it into a jpeg file.
5. These ; .shp .shx .sbn .prj .dbf are different types of file formats. shp. is the feature geometry. shx. is  a positional index of the  geometry to access seeking forwards and backwards fast. sbn. is the spatial index. pjr.  is coordinate system and projection information. dbf. -columnar attributes for each of the shape.
